BC Recreational Fishing Association

Protecting our waters, protecting our way of life

Who we are

A non-profit organization made up of guides, recreational fishers, and business people working to protect and preserve endangered species and endangered communities for future generations.

What we stand for

The BC Recreational Fishing Association supports the protection and preservation of the Southern Resident Killer Whales , Fraser River Chinook Salmon and other endangered species. We are supportive of doing what it takes to ensure the preservation of the species and our endangered communities.

What we are doing

We are rallying together to challenge the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) and demand fair and science-based regulations. For far too long, the DFO has made decisions driven by politics rather than sound scientific principles. Last-minute rule changes have had a devastating impact on small business owners, particularly those running charter businesses in rural and remote areas. Entire small towns and countless families have been affected by these sudden shifts, particularly here on Vancouver Island.